Help Wanted

If you are interested in helping with any of the positions on this page, email

Access Setup

Access Service needs help setting up- specifically, help hanging PSA posters, taping out spaces for wheelchairs. This is a moderately physical job in that it requires some kneeling on the floor to hold tape down.


Masquerade Ushers

4-6 hours only, Sunday night. Dress your best (but comfortable for walking), and assist people in finding seats at the Masquerade. Teens welcome in this position.


Access for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Attendees

Pre-con, this job includes reaching out to the ASL program at Northeastern, to see if we can get student interpreters, and reaching out to the Deaf community so they know what we have to offer. I will help with hiring of ASL interpreters and a Cart Provider, and well as making sure they get paid.
At con, follow through to make sure things go as planned, and ASL and CART providers have the infomation they need. A fuller description and more discussion can be had by emailing


Staff Den Setup

On Thursday/Friday of Arisia, we need physically able people to assist in unloading the truck/cars of food, carting it up to Staff Den, and assisting in setting up staff den. They should take directions well.


Teen Lounge Volunteers

Teens making sure that other teens have fun at Arisia, to work two or three hours a day in the teen lounge. Enforce the teen lounge rules and keep the atmosphere right. You must be between the ages of 13 and 20.

